
Jobbergate is an questionnaire application that populates Jinja2 templates with given answers.

In its simplest form you only need a that defines mainflow and a template file (called templates/job_template.j2) which gets populated with your answers. To support advanced workflows you could define multiple levels of questions, change to other templates, run functions before and after subworkflows, have follow up questions to boolean questions and so on.

To install, just do:

pip install jobbergate

Configure jobbergate.yaml to point to your directory where you have all applications. Set JOBBERGATE_PATH environment to point to where your jobbergate.yaml resides.

Jobbergate is a Flask application but could both be run as a web applications and as cli application.

To run as web applcation, just do:

flask run

To run as cli application, you can find out which applications it has in it’s configuration director with:

flask help

If you have an application called simple you run it with:

flask simple

This will populate the simple application template with the answers you give in the following interactive session, and create


Simple workflow

A simple workflow is implemented with the function mainflow defined in and a template defined in templates/job_template.j2:

+-+ templates/
  + job_template.j2

from jobbergate import appform

def mainflow(data):
    return [appform.Text("jobname", "What is the jobname?", default="simulation")]


#SBATCH -j {{ data.jobname }}
sleep 30

Workflow with implicit workflows

A workflow with implicit workflows is built by defining mainflow and functions decorated with appform.workflow:

+-+ templates/
  + job_template.j2

from jobbergate import appform

def mainflow(data):
    return [appform.Text("jobname", "What is the jobname?", default="simulation")]

def debug(data):
    return [appform.Confirm("debug", "Add debug info?")]

def gpu(data):
    return [appform.Integer("gpus", "Number of gpus?", default=1, maxval=10)]


#SBATCH -j {{ data.jobname }}

{% if data.gpus %}
NUMBER_OF_GPUS={{ data.gpus }}
{% else %}
{% endif %}

{% if data.debug %}
{% endif %}

/application/run_application -gpus $NUMBER_OF_GPUS

Indices and tables