
Simple view (with no workflow selection)

Views is built functions returning lists of questions. mainflow is the only expected function, others are all optional.

Functions that jobbergate calls gets all know data as inparameter as data.


from jobbergate import appform

def mainflow(data):
    return [appform.Text('jobbname', 'What is the jobbname', default='MyJob')]

View with decorator workflow

Views can have a workflow “split” that gives the user an option to select a diferent path.

‘’ with workflow defined with decorator. This give the user the question to select between debug and precision workflow. debug gives the boolean question “Add extra debug flags” and precsision gives an integer question regarding “Steps per mm”.

from jobbergate import appform

def mainflow(data):
    return [appform.Text('jobbname', 'What is the jobbname', default='MyJob')]

def debug(data):
    return [appform.Confirm('debugoptions', 'Add extra debug flags')]

def precision(data):
    return [appform.Integer('precision', 'Steps per mm', minval=1, maxval=100)]

View with nextworkflow question

A view can have workflow selected by a question with the variable nextworkflow. This should be a List to give the user a list to select from. This should not have any function decorated with @appform.workflow.

from jobbergate import appform

def mainflow(data):
    return [appform.Text('jobbname', 'What is the jobbname'),
            appform.List('nextworkflow', ['precision', 'debug'])]

def debug(data):
    return [appform.Confirm('debugoptions', 'Add extra debug flags')]

def precision(data):
    return [appform.Integer('precision', 'Steps per mm', minval=1, maxval=100)]